Get back on track

So I was doing some research to see how long people actually hold on to their New Year Resolutions and found 46% of people who have made their resolutions for the year stick them the entire year. We are in the 2nd month of the year and be honest how are you doing.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

I have to be honest, I F$%@ked up.

Since I finished the 3 Day Reset last month, I have been on track with increasing my water intake, moving 3xs a week and some other things I have begun to incorporate into my routine.  I’ve been a rock star.

One of the benefits I noticed from the 3 day reset was replacing my meals with juices or smoothies. This helped me reduce my snacking significantly.  So even after the 3 day reset I stayed on track with eating 2 meals and having a juice or smoothie for 3 meals.  I am trying to eat 5 times a day since I am in the gym more.  But on non gym days, I tend to eat 3 meals (replacing 2 of these meals with a juice or smoothie and I try, really try to snack as little as possible). 

Things were going well until I was faced with a cinnabon.  Now let me be fully transparent, my cycle was on as well and although I don’t like to use this as an excuse I am realistic.  

So I had the cinnabon with extra cream cheese frosting, of course.  And do you know what happened?

cinnamon and star anis spices
Photo by Mareefe on

I was immediately sick.  Now when i say immediately it was about 20 mins from consumption and I started getting a headache, pain in my knee, and pain in my neck and shoulder, just a barrage of familiar ailments. I had made plans for the evening that I couldn’t even do. I felt so bad.

Not just physically bad, but I was really sick with myself, because I know better, but I didn’t do better. And although the sugar laced Cinnabon satisfied my sweet tooth, it put me on the path to my destruction. I could have easily made a treat for myself that was in line to my goal but I didn’t choose that I chose the familiar treat.

Here is the funny part, feeling the pain was familiar but I didn’t really associate it with the snacks or treats that I consumed. Over the years, while on my journey, I began to notice how my body reacted to foods, it started with cows milk and now I am noticing more and more with my sugar consumption.

I won’t go on a whole tangent, I will save that for a later blog post but I am looking to change my relationship with food more specifically, sugar.

While I continue my sugar detox journey I want to leave you with 3 tips to help you get back on track if you have fallen off the wagon and if you are lucky enough to be part of the percentage who are still on track feel free to add these tips to your regime.

close up shot of scrabble tiles on a blue surface
  1. Get back on track immediately, the very next meal- I know that over the years when I have deviated from my eating plans, I would ruin the rest of the day or weekend or maybe even month because I felt since I messed up I may as well forget it or start fresh on blah blah day, which would turn in to more weight gain and having to restart months or years later
  2. Be Kind to yourself- self-care is being kind to ourselves even when we are not happy with our decisions, or if the scale isn’t reading lower numbers or your clothes are fitting loose yet. Kindness of self is were we can totally change the trajectory of our goals
  3. Remember why you started- It can be very hard to stay on track but if you set some time to before you start with why you started it is easier to get back on track when we remember why we started

I hope these tips help and get you back or keep you on track

You Got the Juice Box Now


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